[All images used from Google foe illistrative purposes only and are copyright of their respective creators]
Traffic Signals. Yes, really.
I honestly couldn't tell you why but they were a huge part of my childhood. I made them with legos and anytime new intersections in town got signals or upgraded signals, I was super intrigued.
I wanna be that guy
1st signal in Kansas City
Some of the next photos came from here.
Even artistic.
I liked normal signals but unusual intersections and signals intrigued me as well.
Tipperary Hill signal - purposely like that.
3M signals. Futuristic and evil looking.
Abandoned signals. Will touch more on this in a later blog.
I really can't say why this became an obsession. It just did. If Inhad been a child today, signals are much easier to acquire now. Toys or real. I am also red/green color blind so again, I am not sure why.
My mother and father conspired to get me one when I was 12. My dad even wired it up to work. I have pictures, just not at this moment.
(Future image of my signal).
Right now, I have one hanging over my work station at home. Found it at Hobby Lobby.
With my youngest sons obsession with trains, I wonder if this is my future backyard.
Excellent home setup and collection.