NBOTEC Enterprises is my own small business that specialized in custom bad websites.
Since 1998, I designed/maintained sites for Darkthrone, Graveland, Carpathian Forest, Nocturns AD/After Death, Zemial and at this time, still maintain the official site and blog for ABSU (www.absu.us)
NBOTEC Enterprises is also the parent company of Chaostorm Records (chaostormrecords.bandcamp.com) - symbolized below. We specialize in rare, unusual and "kvlt" metal music. NBOTEC is an acronym for N.ever B.low O.ut T.he E.astern C.andle (an ABSU song).
I have other jobs. This one is just my favorite.
NBOTEC Enterprises mission statement is to handle its business cleanly without political or religious affiliation.
At this time, we are not taking on additional clients as life keeps us busy enough.
Chaostorm Records Symbol